Sunday, September 29, 2013

It's been a very bad week...

Monday evening after a nap, I woke with pain in my left breast. My breasts usually hurt when I woke up since I got engorged after 3 hours so I thought I would pump real quick and all would be fine. Left breast continued to ache. 

My mom and I took all the boys to babies r us to get the twins high chairs to feed them for the first time. I felt weak and tired, achy. Left breast still hurt.

Came home and fed the babies their first food (video on Facebook), got everyone ready for bed, went to sleep. Woke in the middle of the night in SEVERE all-over pain and freezing. I shook with chills yet I couldn't move. I began to vomit. It was only the beginning. 

I asked Robbie to get me a Lortab I had from my c-section. He worried over me- poking thermometers at me and tried to make me feel warm. I assured him the Lortab would bring my fever down and all would be fine. I continued vomiting and shaking and hurting til morning. I kept pumping as much as possible but threw up everytime I got up. Texted mommy that I needed antibiotics. Doctor called me in some and by noon I had oral dicloxacillin and grandma had gone to the pharmacy and gotten it for me. 

Too nauseous to swallow the pill, I took phenergan (from pregnancy) first. Took the medicine, took a nap. Woke up and mommy brought me my first shot of rocephin. Shot me right in the butt- I never even felt it. 

I tried to go out in the living room to be with my family. My precious twins had just started on formula and they cried and cried. I pumped some, dizzy and sweaty and pukey. I continued to be fevery that whole night. 

Wednesday morning came and I moved to grandmas bed so I could see my boys. Everytime I got up my blood pressure would drop 60s/30s. My fever finally broke that morning. I sweated to death. I was still in a great amount of pain and nauseous. My mom brought my second shot of rocephin that afternoon. 

Wednesday night was the first night I wasn't dry heaving in my bed. I nursed Kyler once on the left. Robbie still had to get them bottles because I was still in so much pain. 

Thursday I was supposed to work (that night) but I called out that morning for the first time ever. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand for that long without fainting. My family begged me to eat. I ate a half of a sandwich that day, first food since Monday.

I laid in bed all night Thursday night and cried and cried. I was so scared of getting mastitis again, I knew that I NEVER wanted to go through this again. I really felt like I was in danger of being hospitalized and maybe worse. It wasn't worth it to risk my life to exclusively breast feed my 5 month old twins. They needed their mommy more than they needed breast milk.

But ohhhh the guilt. I felt like I was giving up on them. I was failing them. I wasn't ready to lose that relationship yet. Once this is done, I will never get this back. So final. So heartbreaking. 

Friday morning I went to WIC to trade in my breastfeeding vouchers for formula vouchers. I cried at the poor lady there. I turned in my borrowed pump. 

I took Gage to karate and went to work. Realized I had sent parts of my old pump with the pump that belonged to WIC and now found myself unable to pump at all. I never learned how to hand express. The beginning of my shift is very demanding and I was really starting to be in a ton of pain. I tried to hide and push milk out, it hurt and I got nothing. I called my mom crying and she told me to put warm wet cloths on my breasts and that would help and take ibuprofen for pain and inflammation.

I sat in the floor at work and bawled my eyes out. All the pain, exhaustion, and really just grieving for the loss of breastfeeding. And thinking to myself I shouldn't take anything for pain. I deserve to be in pain for what I'm doing. Your body doesn't want you to stop breastfeeding. It wants you to feed your babies. 

I finally took some ibuprofen and was able to express some milk by hand and felt much better. 

The toll on my body was big, but the emotional ramifications of this whole thing was huge. I guess there are hormones when you stop breastfeeding because I have been as tearful and emotional as 4 days postpartum. And that was bad! 

I burst into tears looking at all of my breastfeeding supplies. I burst into tears looking into the faces of my beautiful healthy baby boys. Yes, I'm devastated that I'll never have that again. But I am so completely grateful for their health and for them in general and for formula. 

My breasts are still pretty sore and very full. I'm still taking my oral antibiotics and today have been blessed with a yeast infection from it all. My appetite is coming back, though it'll never be what it is. 

I'll still snuggle my babies so closely. Breathe in their baby smell and hold them tight as they grow so fast right in front of me. And maybe, if there's any milk in my breasts, I'll give Kyler a little snack every now and then. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dear Kyler, a letter to my son

My sweet baby Kyler. The reason for all my heartburn. You had so much hair when you were born- I suffered for a long time for that hair and you just let it all fall out! But you have the most beautiful perfect little porcelain face. It's little a miniature face, it's the sweetest thing. I remember you having the hiccups everyday inside me. It was so subtle, like you were saying, "I'm here too! Don't forget about me!"

You have suffered with colic for all of your short little life. I hate seeing you hurt. I hate that I can't make it better. But in this struggle I have found my place. And in that, your place with me. I was chosen to be your mommy. You were chosen to be my son. Even though you cry, I now know that you are still comforted by my cuddles and soothed by my smell.

My one and only boobie baby- I will nurse you for as long as you want. You made me feel like a breastfeeding pro when it was really my first time. You showed me that I really can do it. You have shown me that you know what you're doing and that I need to trust you. Just as you trust me to be there for you.

I will always be there for you, my amazing little boy. You never have to worry. Mommy's got this. I can't wait to see you soon and hold you in my arms. I'll wear you and we'll sing together. Always know that you're so very loved, cherished and wanted.

Don't give away all my sugar before I get home! See you soon dollface. I love you.