Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Introductions and 5 week update!

My first blog post! I have more room here than on facebook so I can ramble on and on as much as I'd like! I think eventually I might like to do a "vlog" instead, but this will do for now. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks postpartum with fraternal twin boys. They are my 3rd and 4th babies. 


Me- I've completely recovered (I think) from my c-section. My scar is now just a raised pink line across my lower abdomen. Its kinda itchy and numb in places. I'm no longer bleeding. Breastfeeding is still going well, I'm getting some sort of control over my oversupply since I'm not pumping as much. My breasts still leak really bad and I have random episodes of "let-down" quite frequently throughout the day. Its a pretty uncomfortable sensation, almost painful. Like tons of needles sticking me all over my breasts for about 30 seconds. I wish it only did it when there was a baby eating! I am so proud that they are exclusively breastfed. That said, I return to work on June 17th, 3 weeks away. I am extremely apprehensive about the whole thing. I don't want to leave my babies, especially not for 13 hours a day. Luckily I only work 2 days in a row and I have live-in caregivers that I love and trust. Its just not the same. I have to remember the boys need a roof over their heads more than they need me home with them everyday. I'm going back to school to get my RN, it will be a little less than 3 years from now when I graduate.I'm an LPN right now, I work at a nursing home.

The Twins- They are getting SO big! Their little chunky selves are outgrowing their newborn clothes and diapers. They have fat thighs and fat cheeks. Kason seems to be losing his hair already, but Kyler has enough hair for both of them! I think they're starting to smile for real, not just in their sleep or about gas. Kyler still comfort nurses a lot. I spoke to the pediatrician about it and he said it was his opinion to let him do it as often as I was comfortable with. He won't be an infant for long and he won't always do this. If I can give him love and comfort and security, I'm going to do that, no matter who it inconveniences. I'm more than just food to him and I'm ok with that. However, if Kason decides to comfort nurse (which isn't very often) he always spits up a lot. And he doesn't really like a paci. But my sweet little guy is generally so laid back and calm, he is content for me to just hold him and snuggle.

Gage- He's 3 and showing a lot of interest in the twins lately. He likes to pet their heads and he is a great little helper. He gets diapers for me and finds missing paci's. He still can't tell the difference between the twins and frequently asks which one is which. He is amazing at puzzles and loves to read books. He is also good at math, he can do simple math problems already. Gage is (so far) my most sensitive and emotional child. He gets his feelings hurt easily and is shy around strangers. He enjoys spending special time with his Grammy, Papa Todd, and Granny (my parents and mother-in-law). Gage still struggles with sharing, we are working on that!

Jaden- My big boy is 4. He starts kindergarten this August and it will be our first official year of homeschooling. We did Pre-K last year but it was very informal. He is ahead in reading, he reads at about a first grade level, but it is largely sight words as he still has difficulty sounding out new words. He is behind in writing because he has weak finger muscles. We are working on that with occupational therapy and beginning Handwriting Without Tears this school year. Sometimes he likes the twins, mostly he doesn't pay any attention to them. He has had some regression with toileting and tantrums. He has an incredible imagination and pretends almost everything is a gun or other weapon to "shoot zombies" with. Jaden would probably be kicked out of public school for sure for making a lego gun. His favorite person in the world is his dad (and where the whole guns and zombies craze started!) He also enjoys playing with trains and cars and can entertain himself for a very long time. I am working with him on becoming more independent and using his words. He's at an age now where he can be reasoned with (most of the time), so that's really nice. Jaden's super social and loves to play with other kids. He makes friends wherever we go.

Even though this was really long, there isn't that much to update on. I'll do a "day in the life" of a few different kinds of days soon (work days, home days, school days when they start) and maybe make some videos. As usual y'all comment and let me know if you have any questions or if I forgot something.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you started blogging! I love reading your updates on everyone. :) Makes for a happy Liz. Keep it going!!
