Wednesday, July 17, 2013

12 week old twins chiropractor visit!

So a couple of days ago, someone in my "Moms of Twins" group of facebook suggested I try taking Kyler to a chiropractor for his colic. I had never even heard of babies going to chiropractors before! Especially not for treatment of colic. So I did lots of research. People on the internet (and people I knew in real life) had nothing but positive things to say and their own success stories! So I thought it couldn't hurt to try it. I emailed and then called a local place that treats infants. They had me come in this morning and bring both babies for a free evaluation and exam. FYI- WellCare does not cover chiropractors.

It was a small office with some older people there, they cooed over how cute the twins are. Went into a room and Dr. Martin came right in. He told me that he would have to put them in their natural position to examine their spines. He then turned Kyler upside down and held him by his ankles! I'm thinking to myself, "Oh Lord. What have I gotten into?" Kylers head immediately tilted to the right. Then the doctor told me that he was going to "vibrate Kylers atlas." So he squeezed the back of his neck and kinda shook it gently, like a vibration. Kyler fussed but did not scream. The doctor did that for about 30 seconds and poked his back in a couple of other places. Then he held him upside down again. This time, Kylers head did not tilt and he was perfectly straight!

He repeated the process with Kason and he had the same reaction. Dr. Martin said that both of their spines had been out of whack and now the nerves could get to the digestive system better and things would work the way God intended. In my research I found the causes of "spinal subluxation" in infants to be: Crowding in utero, c-section births, breech presentations during pregnancy, rough handling (as in inexperienced diaper changers), and forceps/vacuum extractions. Kyler was breech for a long time during pregnancy, and they were both very crowded, but Kyler was more crowded. And they were born by c-section. So they had some risk factors!

Anyway, we go back on Friday morning to see how their spines are and if they need another adjustment, and to see if todays adjustment helped with the colic. The best part is, they aren't charging me for today or Friday! :)  Hopefully my baby boys are well on their way to wellness! Who knew people actually hung babies upside down?

1 comment:

  1. wow how interesting..... luv your post!, Brenda
