Monday, August 12, 2013

Dear Gage, a letter to my son

Dear Gage,
I wanted you before you even existed. When I found out I was pregnant, I was thrilled! I wanted another little boy, and I knew your name would be Gage. You were the perfect addition to our little family. When you were inside me, you kicked so hard! When you came, you had to go to NICU for respiratory distress and it broke my heart. You were fine though, and soon safely in my arms.

Breastfeeding did not go well, you ended up with blood in your stool and really unhappy. I had to switch to hypoallergenic formula to make your tummy better. However, I still bonded with you, my little fusspot. You cried all the time until you were one and I couldn't do much for you. We cuddled a lot.

You have this perfect little porcelain round face. It earned you the nickname "little gagey round face". Even your eyes are perfectly round and were blue for so long. When you were born your hair was strawberry blond, now it's brown like the rest of ours.

You have always loved doing everything your big brother Jaden does. You still love to cuddle. You love to cook and do laundry and dishes. You are my right hand man.

My little sensitive sweet Gage, you are the best big brother ever. You love your little brothers more than I ever thought possible. You are only 3 years old and you seem 10 the way you take care of them. Mommy is so unbelievably proud of you. I love the person you are, the child you are growing into, and the man you will one day become. You have already made me so proud in so many ways. I can't wait to watch you grow and learn and I thank God everyday that I get to be here for this, and I thank God for you.

Gage Davis McKinnon, you are loved. You are cherished. You are wanted, always.

I will kiss your sweet face in the morning.

Love, Mommy


  1. This brought tears to my eyes.. happy tears. Love you guys so much.

  2. Beautiful letter!!, Love Brenda
