Here is the Q&A as promised! I got a few questions inboxed to me, some asked verbally, and some texted.
Q: How are Jaden and Gage adjusting to life with the twins?
A: It depends on the day, really. Jaden has had some regression and increased tantrums since right before they were born. The regression is better, and some days the tantrums are. Gage at first didn't notice them much. Now he really likes them, and he is my right hand man. He is super helpful and likes to be involved. Lately he has had an increase in aggression and being more emotional, and I'm not sure if those are related to the birth of the twins or not. They can both tell the twins apart and have not ever expressed any negativity towards them.
Q: How is twin pregnancy, labor and delivery different with twins than a singleton?
A: For me, the first trimester symptoms were way worse with twins. I was unbelievably tired, my boobs hurt so bad they couldn't be touched, I vomited frequently. I also felt like I felt the "baby" moving at 10 weeks, when I knew it was too early. I was working full time during this pregnancy and in my previous pregnancies I had not worked, only gone to school. Starting in the second trimester, I thought I would literally die of heartburn. With my singleton pregnancies, I did have heartburn in the third trimester but it was well controlled with Zantac. There was no stopping this twin heartburn. It felt like my chest was ripping apart all the time. I was on Prilosec, Zantac, Protonix, and many Tums and it barely helped.
With my singletons, I was induced both times so the labor was rough. Pitocin is nobodys friend! They were both vaginal deliveries. With the twins, I had prodromal labor for weeks. I had contractions every day from 32 weeks, but never dilated past 3cm. Scheduled my one and only C-section at 38 weeks exactly.
Q: Are you getting any sleep?
Right now, the twins are 6 weeks old and still eat about every 3 hours. I have been trying to keep them on a schedule of 3-6-9-12 but that doesn't always work out. Kyler eats more frequently and Kason eats more at once. Also, if Kason is sleepy, he will not wake up to eat. They are still exclusively breastfed, never had any formula! The pediatrician has advised me not to feed them at the same time for a couple of weeks because my letdown is more forceful when both breasts are stimulated and they have a hard time keeping up. So for now at night, I feed one and hope the other one doesn't wake up crying before I'm done. Sometimes it works out. Sometimes I fall back asleep for 45 minutes before the other wakes up. It just depends. So I get sleep in small doses throughout the night and no day time naps for me.
Q: Did you breastfeed your other 2 children?
Jaden not at all, and Gage only for a week. So this is really my first time doing this.
Q: Are your twins identical?
No, they are fraternal. We weren't sure until they were born but now we are sure! They're very different. They were dichorionic/diamniotic which means they were in their own sacs and each had their own placenta. If you are looking at pictures of them, Kyler has a lot more hair than Kason does.
Q: Do twins run in your family?
No they do not. Since it only matters on my side of the family (since I'm the one that dropped 2 eggs it has nothing to do with my husband), we have learned that these are the first twins we know of in my family.
Q: Were you using fertility treatments to get pregnant?
No. The twins were completely spontaneous. I was, however, having irregular cycles since coming off the Depo shot.
Q: Did you get your tubes tied? If not, what birth control will you be using if any?
I did not get my tubes tied. I am getting an IUD at my 6 week checkup.
Q: Do you want more kids?
Not at this time. I could not handle any more children. If my husband and I feel differently in 10 or so years, we may revisit, but it's not likely (and I'll be 39!). So I don't think I'll be having any more and I'm perfectly happy with that.
Q: Who takes care of your boys while you work?
My grandmother and aunt live with me and take care of them. My mom also lives not far away and comes over everyday to help out as well. I am very blessed to have the family I have. I could not do this without them!
Q: What guilty pleasures do you indulge in to have some "me-time"?
I have recently discovered my love for pedicures! I've only had one but it was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go back! I also love to watch Dance Moms and Greys Anatomy. And I love taking baths!
Q: Where did you get the names Kason and Kyler?
I had originally liked the name Chyler (as in Chyler Leigh actress that played Lexie on Greys) for a girl but was afraid it sounded too masculine. Everyone knows I wasn't gonna have a girl anyways. So I changed the spelling to make it even more masculine and appear to be a cross between Kyle and Tyler. Then, my husband and I had liked the name Payson but were again unsure about the gender. When I found out I was naming twins, I decided I'd like their names to start with the same letter and NOT rhyme!
Kason was the natural conclusion. Fun fact: the name Kamden was also considered. Their middle names are family names just as the other 2 boys have family middle names. Kason Todd is named after my stepdad that means so much to me, and Kyler Thomas is named after my moms daddy (as is Jaden Drew).
Q: When are you going back to work?
I start back next week, the twins will be 7 and a half weeks old. I had 12 weeks unpaid FMLA and used 4 weeks of it on bedrest before they were born.
Q: Do the twins sleep in the same crib?
They do. We only had enough money and space for one crib. I did not get a bassinet, just the crib. They sleep in our room. I do have a pack n play in case I need to separate them for some reason. I'm going to try to keep them in the same crib until they're big enough for toddler beds. I hope it works out, but if not it's ok.
Q: Are your older 2 boys twins?
They are not. They are 15 months apart. However, they do generally wear the same size clothes and are about the same size. Jaden (the oldest) is a little taller.
Q: How do you feel about not having a girl?
I'm ok with it. Really. I always thought it would be nice, but I'm so happy with my boys. God knows what he is doing!
Q: I saw that Jaden was not completely potty trained until he was 4 and a half. Is Gage potty trained? And are you going to allow all of your boys to be in diapers that long?
Gage is not potty trained. We are going to start soon really encouraging him to make that step but I wanted to wait until after the twins were here and everything was settled. I believe they will do it when they are ready. Each child is different and forcing them before they are ready will only result in frustration and disappointment. I started trying to potty train Jaden when he was 2. So, I will allow each child to go at his own pace and refuse to punish them or shame them for not going to the bathroom. They won't go to college in diapers, this won't last forever. If they are 4, then they're 4. If they're 3, that's ok too.
Q: Are your boys circumcised?
They are. It was the preference of my husband and I, I believe it is each family's decision whether or not to have this done.
That's all the questions I received for today! Hope everyone enjoyed!